Live in this universe or wish to live more

Live in this universe or wish to live more

We cannot live someone else’s dreams, goals, opinions, choices, or requirements because our life is created by the beautiful universe for a purpose that is essential to building an empire of life. People work for their own chaos, not for us, so our choices, opinions, thoughts, problems, struggles, losses, obstacles, and difficulties are our own.

We should take responsibility for everything that happens or has happened in our lives and not blame anyone for anything. We should not lose ourselves in an untruthful reality, or nature will question us about the task assigned to us, which we cannot escape. We should be grateful to those who have done something for us, such as our family members, friends, relatives, animals, birds, or insects, and repay them, or we will be in debt forever.

We should see life beyond the unrealistic standards set by people who can only live unrealistic life. According to God/nature, everyone can achieve anything, but not everyone can achieve everything, or the universe will collapse. Therefore, it depends on us what we want to achieve in life.

If we live beyond the unrealistic life, we pay a part of our life to nature or God, but it is difficult for a common person and not possible for everyone because they are busy living surrounded by an unrealistic life. Only 2% of people belong to this category of a new soul born on this planet for this universe, and the rest only survive their life.

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