Lord Ram’s Lessons
There is only one universe and one God who exists all over the world, but different religions and faiths have their own definitions of God. Each religion has its own distinct rituals after death. For instance, in Hindu communities, people say “Ram naam saty hai” (The name of Lord Ram is truth) after someone’s passing. Ram, who was born in Ajodhya, Uttar Pradesh, is considered to be a blessing for the parched public. Although he was aloof, he never attacked anyone without good intentions for the nation, even though it went through a lot of complexities that did not make him weak. He obeyed his parents and left his abode for 14 years. He lived in the forest and survived on fruits and water. Although his life was like hell, he never complained or blamed anyone. He always passed a smile and lived his life with a great purpose. His devotion was to fill the gap in society and defeat the demons who made life worse for common people.
However, his better half was kidnapped by a fake sage named Ravan, who was a favorite devotee of Lord Shiva. Ravan forgot that Ram was himself, Shiva. Although Ram’s family gave many warnings and tried to bring Ravan on the right path, his conceit, anger, and vanity made it difficult for him to understand his inner voice. Ravan’s complexity did not require a clue to get out of his obscene ways. Eventually, Ram’s power annihilated Ravan’s enemy troops, but he never needed to show off his power. The name of Lord Ram teaches us different chapters of life. This name inspires us to be calm and serene in every situation and guides us in our truthful duty. Unfortunately, people do not always chant Ram’s name when they take a breath in this environment. Instead, they keep themselves busy doing something good or bad.
Lord Ram was a man of great character who embodied kindness and loyalty. Even in times of grief, he maintained a calm demeanor and always wore a smile on his face. He defeated the demon and even forgave his enemy’s brother. His decision to lead a simple life and bring about change in society was not accepted by everyone, but he remained steadfast in his vow to not hurt anyone or make decisions in his favor. He listened to his inner voice and even put Mata Sita through a purity test to prove her innocence to those who doubted her. Despite her cries and reluctance, she chose to go into the fire to emancipate herself from people’s opinions. Lord Ram’s ideals of being a great king, husband, and human being have made him an ideal that many people worship and admire to this day.
She went into the fire, but her purity protected her from its flames, leaving people astonished. They felt regret for what they had done to such a pure soul. They asked her to come out of the fire and accept her children and husband, but she knew that she had been told by everyone that she could not come back, and she peacefully passed away in the lap of Mother Earth. Therefore, people cannot believe in the truth until they witness it with their own eyes. They often enjoy demolishing others without considering the pain they may cause. They do not realize that others may bear the loss. Only Lord Ram and his sons knew their grief about losing their wife and mother.
Life is beautiful, but it is not eternal. God assigns everyone a unique role in life with a purpose. People have dreams, plans, and ideas for the future, but they often forget to think about the existence of God. They are busy with their chores and forget about the preciousness of life. They let anger, anxiety, greed, and hate cloud their judgment, failing to align themselves with their purpose. They never try to introspect or look within themselves. Instead, they gossip and flatter others. Some jealous and uncivilized people often harm and create obstacles to destroy those who live meaningful lives. They try to cease the path that leads to knowledge and the values of education.
The slogan “Ram name is true” is an auspicious truth that encourages everyone to understand the true meaning of life. This name is not perishable, but people often forget to remember its freshness and pleasing fragrance. Ram is not just a name, and it is not just the name of Lord Ram. Many people share the name Ram, but they may not possess the qualities of Lord Ram. Lord Ram was a person, not a deity, but his qualities, duty, and devotion to his nation made him a great human being. His smile could calm agitation, and he never got angry with anyone. He lessened the pain of his people and battled with “Adharma” which aimed to destroy peace and dharma on earth. He used his strength to defeat the demon who sought to demolish the serenity and happiness of his people.
People chant the slogan “Jay Shri Ram” but often fail to learn the lessons taught by Lord Ram. They often have a façade of devotion, even if they commit crimes or are miscreants. They use abusive language, indulge in obscenity, and prioritize actions that bring society down. They fight with each other, and their actions do not benefit society. They do not act as a support system for those who live miserable life.
Ultimately, people come to understand the truth of life when they attend cremations. They realize that the name of Lord Ram is always true, and they begin to chant the slogan “Ram naam hai” as a way of honoring the deceased.