Everyone is not illiterate

Everyone is not illiterate

Mostly we meet many people who live their lives and do all things in their lives. Sometimes, they say, they are an illiterate person. Therefore, they cannot be able to do learn things or know about the requirement of the next generation.
A few factors demonstrate that everyone is a literate person it does not mean that only an educated person is a literate person. People do not know the truth about education.

1. They live life

Once in life, everyone was a baby, children, young and the last phase is called old age. We grew up day by day. We learn new things in our lives and started educating every action. We live an imaginary life without any type of formal education. We understand all activities that happen to surround us. We understand religion, custom, God, good, bad, etc. All activities fit into our daily lives.
We can think about our family, benefit losses, and all those things which we use in our daily chores. We take bath, and food, and rejuvenate ourselves. We do not have any specific teacher still we learn all those things which need for our living life. We grasp all essential knowledge and basic things in our life. We create a bandage with all animals, birds, and animals without any formal education We understand the importance and value of life, but still, we think we do not have any education.

2. They get married

The second chapter of enormous life is explicit about this beautiful life which plays a crucial role in the globe of the body. People get married to someone stranger or known person but before the first meeting both are strangers but after the many meetings, they know each other. They know about love, hate, jealousy, and feeling which are a basic part of life. They think they do not have any knowledge. They become parents and feel the happiness of life that they have got a responsibility to their children. They try to teach a good lesson to their children but they do not consider themselves that they do not know about the right education. Everyone tries to do their best for their children and works hard to fulfill their all requirements.

3. They do all tasks

Sometimes, they live a life that is not defined by any word or feeling. It is another feeling, which is figuring out a place to evaluate life. Everyone tries to fulfill the desires of their children and they work for them. They arrange all necessities. They take a bath on the seat and try to fil their family’s needs. They work as a support system mentally, and financially, and invest their wages for the future of their family. They never go to college and school but they teach us better lessons in life. They know what is wrong or right for our future or career. They do not have too much experience but they have enough to glimpse a light on the path. They are not guided by anyone still they can guide us toward a better future.

They never go to school or they do not have any formal education but they know essential education in life. They know that education is a key that can change society and the world. They do all the daily tasks of their life but still, they think they are illiterate people on this planet.

4. They build the Empire

It is very hard to say that they are illiterate. They earn money and invest it wisely for their children’s education, marriage, and all emergency activities. They build homes, farm, and save something for their future. They know all the rules and regulations for materialistic things. They fight with envy and do not consider us a part of that battle. They fight it alone for their family. Sometimes, they defeat their envy, and sometimes they are defeated by their envies. They do not want to give us any type of burden or conflict in this beautiful life. They want to make everything clear through the pieces of evidence. They try to build a good home/shop/empire according to their income or capital, but still, they consider themselves an illiterate person.

5. They know right and wrong

This universe has a container or box of negative and positive thoughts. Every thought makes us as a person according to our thinking ‘what we think; we become.’
They are cautious about their children’s future. They always care about their career and work hard to give all facilities to them. They survive their life and pay for everything for their children’s future. They care about their children’s health. They know that a healthy mind can perform a better task compared to a poor mind.
They know about healthy food, fruits, and liquid. They don’t suggest their children for an unhealthy diet. They know that unhygienic food can offer many diseases. They can cook delicious food without any formal education. But they know that they are an illiterate person.

6. Try don’t know/learn important things

They do all things good and be responsible parents, but something they forget to improve something in their life which play an important role in their life building a great future. They live their whole life without any dream or goal. They never focus on the reality of the supreme god. They manifest only matristic things in life but that is not a good way. They don’t try to gain spiritual knowledge because spiritual power makes them free from all types of perplexity. They never are free from all bondage still they take the last breath in their life.

Sometimes, they started yelling at their children because they think that their children do not listen to them and do not do anything good in their life. They compare them with someone else who does something different or nothing valuable. They measure success by earning money but never try to know their children’s heart voice. They know only limited things in their life that can be useful only for a few steps in life but after that, they can’t survive on the earth.
Every parent has a lot of experiences in their life but it does not mean that they know everything in life. They don’t know their weak imagination that can’t elevate or endure their children for doing something good or successful. They don’t know the value of passion or dreams. They live in an unfamiliar society that doesn’t encourage anyone to go beyond the box because they have small thinking and low thought.

7. Why do they behave like a toxic person?

Sometimes, they just behave like a toxic person. They yell and abuse without any mistake that their children have not done. Their mind acts like a dustbin of a society where everyone through their useless materials. They are not illiterate but they restore a lot of anxiety, jealousy, hate, vitality, ego, fear, and frustration. They cliff wings of their children and criticize them for nothing in life. Their greed is the destruction for them but they can’t get it because of crudeness and negative thoughts. If their children never come in his way so they try to curb their feet in a shackle. They apply all types of impediments that can be able to control or stop their journey. They never try to do different in life and never make an effort to live a beautiful life in their life. They never do an improvement in their life but they have a strong desire that their children would achieve all things which would be in their favour but their children try to follow their hearts and dream.

They know the milk that someone mixes with water but they cannot identify if we mix with more than one animal’s milk instead of milk. Therefore, it’s crucial to work on our development whatever we can and know the reality of modern life.

“They are not illiterate but they have been illiterate.”

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