A Tale of Ambition and Betrayal
The Rise of a Girl to SDM, and the Betrayal of Her Husband A good character does not depend on ...

Earn materialistic happiness and things!!
There is no divine mandate forbidding anyone from pursuing wealth, success, or fame in life. Neither is it a prerequisite ...

Lord Ram’s Lessons
There is only one universe and one God who exists all over the world, but different religions and faiths have ...

Advantages of Overcoming Poverty
Poverty is often seen as a curse that leads to a miserable and unfulfilling life. It is associated with a ...

Bullshit deadlines
Don't let the opinions of small-minded people affect you. It takes either a long time or a single event to ...

Live in this universe or wish to live more
We cannot live someone else's dreams, goals, opinions, choices, or requirements because our life is created by the beautiful universe ...

Death and Expectations in life
As time goes on, the existence of people deteriorates, regardless of whether they are a king or live an impoverished ...

Everyone is not illiterate
Mostly we meet many people who live their lives and do all things in their lives. Sometimes, they say, they ...

What are the 5 factors of early success in life?
Success is not a thing, achieved by everyone. It takes a lot of years, sweat, hard work, and a good ...

Dowry | How to make it right or wrong??
India is the most populated country in the world. There are different types of people living in this country. A ...